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The line of demarcation between dream and reality is less clear in the 12th house than it is in the other houses. It is as if the archetypal ideas that dwell in us all more easily come to the surface here.
— Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Twelfth House: The Hidden Power of the Horoscope

Dive into the enigmatic depths of the 12th House, where secrets unfurl and dreams intertwine. Featuring space.wolf, Nutrition Facts, Sobolik, and Lychee on the decks, a captivating live modular synth performance by Janus Rose, and cosmic light shows by Glimmer.



The Lineup


Janus Rose

(live modular synth set)

Nutrition Facts



The Magnificent Electric

(live guitar, jamming w/ space.wolf and Lychee)



If the twelfth house is the house of enmity and danger, then it is also the house of resistance. If it’s the house of self sacrifice, then it is also the house of escape.
— Alice Sparkly Kat

space.wolf will be bringing her signature improvisational violin flourishes and will be joined by The Magnificent Electric on guitar for a special performance of intermingling subconsciouses.

12th House is a queer-centered event run by and for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Allies are welcome, but we ask that you please be mindful of how you conduct yourself and take up space. We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech, racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexual harassment, and violence of any kind.

Phone usage on the dancefloor is permitted, but please keep it to a minimum. If you’re on the dance floor, please keep the conversation light. If you’re chatting more than dancing, the sides of the dancefloor, booths, and outdoor area are all available to you.